Harassment, Discrimination and Bullying
The Montana Dinosaur Center is committed to providing a work environment free of harassment, discrimination or bullying in any form. All employees are expected to be sensitive and respectful to their co-workers and others with whom they come into contact while representing The Montana Dinosaur Center.
We have zero tolerance for harassment of any kind. Harassment includes verbal, physical, or visual conduct that creates an intimidating, offensive, or hostile working environment or that interferes with work performance.
Examples of sexual harassment include but are not limited to the following:
Unwelcome and repeated flirtations and requests for dates
Subtle pressure for sexual activity
Solicitation or coercion of sexual activity
Sexual assault
Vulgarity or suggestive gestures.
Retaliation against an employee for refusing sexual or social overtures, for complaining in good faith about sexual harassment, or for cooperating in good faith with the investigation of a complaint.
Other forms of unlawful harassment or discrimination may include racial epithets, slurs and derogatory remarks, stereotypes, jokes, posters or cartoons based on race, national origin, age, disability, marital status or other legally protected categories. Prohibited harassment might also be transmitted using the Company's electronic communications system, or through other online conduct.
Complaint Procedure
If at any time you believe you are being subject to harassment or discrimination, or if you become aware of such conduct being directed at someone else, bring the matter to the immediate attention of your supervisor, the Executive Director or the Vice President. Choose the avenue which you are most comfortable with. The door is always open to address concerns of harassment or discrimination.
Do not allow an inappropriate situation to continue by not reporting it, regardless of who is creating the situation. No employee, contract worker, customer, vendor or other person who does business with this organization is exempt from the prohibitions in this policy. In response to every complaint, The Montana Dinosaur Center will investigate and, if improper conduct is found, take appropriate corrective action up to and including termination.
Last updated