Warning Policy
The Montana Dinosaur Center utilizes a warning policy approach dealing with job-related behavior that does not meet expected and communicated performance standards. The warning policy process refers to the following actions:
A verbal warning accompanied by a signed form acknowledging the warning.
A written warning accompanied by a signed form acknowledging the warning.
Termination from The Montana Dinosaur Center.
These steps are usually taken in sequence when an employee exhibits behavior or performance issues. However, depending on the situation, any step may be repeated, omitted, or taken out of sequence. The Montana Dinosaur Center reserves the right to effect immediate termination should the situation be warranted. Each case is considered on an individual basis.
In the case of serious misconduct, an employee may be suspended and/or terminated on the first offense.
Serious workplace misconduct includes, but is not limited to:
Fighting, engaging in threats of violence or violence, use of vulgar or abusive language, horseplay, practical jokes or other disorderly conduct that may endanger others or damage property
Behavior/language of a threatening, abusive, or inappropriate nature
Misuse, damage to, or loss of Company property
Unauthorized use or possession of property that belongs to the Company, a coworker, or of the public
Falsification, alteration, or improper handling of Company-related records
Unauthorized use or disclosure of the Company's confidential information
Unauthorized possession or concealment of weapons
Misuse of the Company’s electronic information systems
Possession, use, sale, manufacture, purchase, or working under the influence of non-prescribed or illegal drugs, alcohol, or other intoxicants.
Possession or control of illegal drugs, weapons, explosives, or other dangerous or unauthorized materials
Sexual or other illegal harassment or discrimination
Violation of any Company policy.
Last updated