Dress Code
Proper attire is required for your area of work. This will include appropriate attire for the prep lab, out in the field, and within the museum’s gift shop.
Prep Lab Attire
When in the prep lab, you will need shoes that cover the entire foot and are comfortable for an extended period of time.
Field Site Attire
When out in the field, uniform shirts will be provided for you, and you will need a hat, pants or shorts that are comfortable in a hot, dry environment, and tennis shoes or hiking boots that cover the entire foot and can withstand much trekking over rugged terrain. No sandals allowed while on site. No short shorts or skirts are allowed when instructing dig programs in the field. Should you be out on site for an extended period of time and you feel your uniform shirt becomes less than presentable to the public, you may wear another shirt that is comfortable and presentable to the public. This means it should contain no stains or possibly offensive logos and should not be revealing.
Gift Shop Attire
While in the gift shop, you must wear comfortable clothes that will represent our museum well to the public. We will provide staff shirts for you to wear, but you may also wear dresses, skirts, and tops that are not revealing or laden with unsettling logos (or those that may offend the public or your coworkers).
Last updated