Purpose of This Handbook
This Employee Handbook ("handbook") is designed to summarize and acquaint personnel with many of the personnel policies and benefits of The Montana Dinosaur Center. This Handbook applies to all personnel, and compliance with The Montana Dinosaur Center is a condition of employment, both paid and unpaid. This Handbook supersedes all previous employment policies, written and oral, express, and implied.
This Employee Handbook is not an employment contract and is solely a general statement and summary of the company’s policies and procedures provided as a convenience for employees. Nothing in this employee handbook or in any other document creates or is intended to create a promise or representation of continued employment for any employee.
The Montana Dinosaur Center may modify, revoke, or update any part of this Employee Handbook or the policies or procedures summarized here, at its sole discretion from time to time. Any such changes will be effective immediately, whether or not the handbook is updated.
Only the Executive Director of The Montana Dinosaur Center has the authority to authorize any changes to the company policies and procedures outlined here. The Montana Dinosaur Center has sole discretion and authority to interpret and enforce the Company policies described in this Employee Handbook, and elsewhere.
Though these guidelines provide leeway for employees to exercise their best judgment in executing their work, The Montana Dinosaur Center expects its employees to maintain the highest ethical standards, conduct themselves with the highest level of personal and professional integrity, and to always act in compliance with the law. Any conduct to the contrary may result in disciplinary action, up to, and including termination.
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