Board Member Conflict of Interests Disclosure Form
Date: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________
A conflict of interest, or an appearance of a conflict, can arise whenever a transaction, or an action, of the Montana Dinosaur Center conflicts with the personal interests, financial or otherwise, of that of a board member, or an immediate family member of a board member, or that the board member’s employer (collectively “your personal interests”).
Please describe below any relationships, transactions, or positions you hold (volunteer or otherwise), or circumstances that you believe could create a conflict of interest , now or in the future, between the Montana Dinosaur Center and your personal interests, financial or otherwise:
_____ I have no conflict of interests to report.
I have the following conflict of interests, or potential conflicts of interests, to report:
I have reviewed the Montana Dinosaur Center’s conflict of interest policy and I understand that it is my obligation to disclose a conflict of interest, or appearance of a conflict, to the chair of the board when a conflict, or appearance of a conflict, arises, and that for transactions in which I have a conflict, I will abstain from any vote on the matter involving the conflict.
Signature: _________________________________________ Date: __________________
Last updated